The Premise

Sometimes My Person doesn’t like her job very much.  Whenever this happens, My Person will do a few things.  First, she will spend more time on the couch rubbing my head (I think she may be sad and contemplating life, but who cares, head rubs are AWESOME!).  Second, she will start buying alot of lottery tickets.  Third, she will come up with some cockamamie scheme to start saving money.  Last, My Person will start a new blog.

So, here we are again.  Except, clearly, this time, she is not starting a new blog – I am!  But my blog is going to be about her latest cockamamie scheme – to limit herself to a grocery budget of $75 per week.  Sadly, this means no more Whole Foods or Freshdirect (which is especially sad for me because I LOVE boxes).


You might think, “$75?  That’s easy!”  No, it’s not.  First of all, My Person has a basically live-in Other Person who eats more than she does.  Other Person has many food preferences, but My Person is such an awesome wifey that Other Person gets what he wants (at least when it comes to home cookin’).  This includes, but is not limited to, leafy greens at each meal (other than breakfast), no cold cuts, no microwaving and absolutely no lactose in any meal.  Second of all, My Person has a full-time job that makes her work all the time (and keeps her away from me 😦 ).  Third, My Person and I live in New York.  New York is not cheap.

So, the rules?  Simple – $75/week to cook 5 days of food (i.e., 5 breakfast, 5 lunches and 5 dinners).  (That’s $15 a day for TWO people!  That’s $5 a meal for TWO people!  (now I’m just showing off my math skills.))

Grocery lists, recipes and pictures will be posted.